Real slate is an excellent roofing product (synthetic tiles can occasionally curl/warp over time); however, it’s critical to source from a reputable quarry, such as ones in or around Pennsylvania, which can last 100-150 years (cf to the 1–15 year lifespan of much imported slate, which is often what is used unknowingly in the Auburn area). Caldwell’s Roofing has attended slate/copper training in Pennsylvania and joined the SRCA (Slate Roofing Contractors Association) in 2019.
Jackleg slate installation is the rule rather than the exception in Alabama, as can be seen even from Huntsville Botanical Garden’s gazebo—whoever they hired sourced their slate poorly (it’s falling apart after only a few years). Notice the difference in longevity/quality below (not to mention safety issues of slates disintegrating right after installation and falling and hitting someone): the left shows images I took of gazebo (poorly sourced), the right shows a photo from Vermont Slate Company (well sourced). Notice that not a single slate is degrading when properly sourced (and is expected to last perhaps 150 years before failing).